The mission of this department is to support transition towards a competitive low-carbon economy and to create a society resilient to climate changes. Department has qualified specialists of various technical, biotechnical and natural science professions who have long-standing experience in GHG emission inventory preparation, carbon footprint calculation, climate mitigation and adaptation activities. EKONERG offers in depth analysis and integrated approach solutions with use of information technology and modelling tools for policy planning and implementation management. We are preparing strategies, programs, plans and studies for energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable mobility, alternative fuels, common agriculture practice, low carbon industry solutions, waste utilization, and doing research and study works in the field of sustainable land and forest management (LULUCF).
EKONERG started providing business services in the field of greenhouse gas emission trading in 2005. That was also the year of the establishment of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). Since then, EKONERG has successfully completed many projects and has made numerous studies, plans and reports for authorities in Croatia and countries of the region, as well as for ETS operators. EKONERG conducted courses on ETS system and our professionals participated as lecturers in the regional program ECRAN (Environment and Climate Regional Accession Network), RENA (Regional Environmental Network for Accession) and other capacity building projects in region.
Air protection is one of the activities where EKONERG has the longest experience. We are doing meteorological research studies, informative inventory reports by applying methodology of LRTAP Convention (EMEP/EEA), air pollution modelling for urban agglomerations and complex industrial plants, development of air protection and ozone local plans, BAT and cost benefit studies. We are national focal point for integrated modelling assessment under frame of Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention.
We have long experience in national reporting related to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol, the Stockholm Convention, Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP), reports under EU directives, the Eurostat reports. At local levels, we supports cities and counties in developing their air protection, ozone layer and climate protection plans. We provides services in development of national information system, platforms and portals, and preparing the reports for the Croatian Environment Agency. Services are provided for countries in region, for national authorities, international organisations and corporations. Our experts take part in negotiating teams at international conventions, protocols and bilateral negotiations with the European Commission. The one of our significant reference that has been delivered with mainly in house expertise is the document: Technical basis for the preparation of the low-carbon development strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2030 with view to 2050, The White Paper, December 2015